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Applying for training in the UK


Hi, my name is Mohamed Abdoun. I am an IMG. I am in my last month of my internship and will sit for PLAB 2 in April, and I have applied to the GP training in the UK this year. In today's blog, I will share practical advice for anyone planning to apply for UK training programs, especially for General Practice (GP) training. 


I will discuss the following: 


1-Eligibility and requirements 

2-Navigating the Oriel system 

3-Preparing for exams 

4-Tips for success 


Eligibility and Requirements:


To apply for training, ensure you meet the basic eligibility criteria: 

GMC Registration: Mandatory to work as a doctor in the UK. [There's some flexibility if you can prove you will gain registration before post commencement]. 

CREST Form: Required for IMGs to confirm foundation-level competencies. 

Language Proficiency: Achieve the required scores in OET or IELTS. 

For GP training, passing the MSRA exam is a crucial step, as there is no interview process involved. 


Navigating the Oriel System 


All UK training applications are processed through Oriel, an online platform. Create an account and upload your documents well before the application deadline. Ensure you provide accurate details about your clinical experience and qualifications. GP training placements are ranked based on your MSRA score, so the application process is straightforward compared to other specialties. 


Preparing For Exams 


For GP training, the Multi-Specialty Recruitment Assessment (MSRA) is the primary determinant of your rank. 

Content: The exam has two sections: Clinical Problem Solving (CPS) and Professional Dilemmas (PD). 

Resources: Use high-quality question banks and allocate sufficient time for revision. 

Strategy: Practice time management, especially for the PD section. 


Tips for Success 


Start Early: Gather documents, and begin preparing for the MSRA exam well in advance. 

Resources: Use TrewLink blogs, forums, and peer support for guidance. 

Stay Organized: Track application deadlines and exam schedules meticulously. 

Network: Connect with IMGs already in training for tips and mentorship. 


How TrewLink Can Help 


Need more tips and advice? Join the TrewLink community for resources tailored to IMGs. If you have specific questions or want to learn more about my experience, feel free to reach out through my TrewLink profile: Dr Mohamed Abdoun.  


Join our community using the link.

Take Control of Your Career:

Learn more about how MPS membership can protect your career. Visit MPS’ dedicated IMG Hub for detailed information and to start your membership application process.


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