Hola amigos! This is Dr Tarun Puli, an IMG from India. I have recently cleared my PLAB 2 examination and registered with GMC. I am an aspiring Paediatrician to be, working as a Clinical Fellow in the Academy of Surgery at the Barking, Havering, and Redbridge University Trust, Romford. I am posted in ENT at the moment.
How do we get the GMC Reference number at all? Have you ever given it a thought? Few simple & careful steps to be followed, and you have it with you. You need some information at hand before you start. I will explain everything in detail here:
GMC Reference number will become your GMC Registration number if everything goes well, and trust me; you'd never forget this 7-digit number in your life until you stop working in the UK. This sentence would make sense when you start a job and fill drug charts, clerking patients.
Also, please bear in mind that having a successful GMC Online account doesn't necessarily mean you'd have a successful GMC Registration. That's a different hassle altogether.
Why Should I Create a GMC Online Account?
- This is the account you will be required to book PLAB 1 & 2 Examinations. If any scammer tries to scam you by saying that they will arrange a PLAB seat for you in any other way- My friend, please open your eyes to reality and say goodbye to that person. PLAB exam booking happens only by GMC ONLINE account, and it is a straightforward process.
- You can access your exam results, update your workplace details when you secure your first job, and check for any available PLAB slots in your account.
- You can pay for your GMC Registration fee annually from GMC ONLINE ACCOUNT.
- This is a place that helps you to request a GMC Registration application when you wish to do one.
- Amendments to your Registration status can be made over here.
- Certificate to prove GMC Registration status can be downloaded from here.
Things You Need to Have at Hand for Creating One:
- Please check whether your Medical School/Medical College is listed in the World Directory Of Medical Schools (WDOMS) - https://search.wdoms.org/
This is pivotal information that you should be aware of. Please search for your Medical School's name in the search bar, and if it is there. If not, there is guidance on how to do it. At first, I struggled to find my Medical School's name over there. I went through a roller coaster of emotions myself, panicking that all my UK dreams would be shattered. One of my seniors adviced me to search through the city, and I got it. So relax, guy, search for it carefully.
- Demographic Details: Name, Address, Ethnicity, Passport details (Please don't use an old passport/expired passport details to create a GMC ONLINE ACCOUNT).
- Start date (Date you started your PMQ/ Medical School officially), End date( Date you ended your PMQ/ Medical School officially), Date when your PMQ( Primary Medical Qualification/ MBBS degree certificate) is awarded, Passed Date( Can be mentioned in your PMQ Certificate, if not, please contact your Institution's Office to clarify).
How Will I Create a GMC Online Account?
- Go to the GMC Website- https://www.gmc-uk.org/registration-and-licensing/managing-your-registration/gmc-online and read the guidance clearly. It briefly summarizes about GMC Online account and how to create one. When you reach to "HOW DO I SET UP A GMC ONLINE ACCOUNT?" Section, follow the steps carefully. Go to Application Route Finder and fill out the application.
- In the application, you will be asked several questions like- whether you were registered with GMC before, about your internship, primary medical qualification, and the route through which you'd like to pursue to get a GMC Registration (PLAB, Membership Exams, etc.,) which are self-explanatory.
- Once you answer all these questions, you will be taken to a guidance page. Here, you need to use the information which is ideally at hand to fill in:
• Demography
• Passport Details
• Ethnicity
• PMQ Details- Awarding country, Awarding body, Start and End dates.
- After completing all these, you will be asked to set up a password and will be given a reference number (which you will be using for your career in the UK).
What to Do When I Create One?
- Please remember to enter your OET/IELTS Score and allow GMC to validate/check it (it should be done in your OET/IELTS account). Ensuring you do this step only will allow you to take a look at the available slots for the PLAB-1 examination.
- You will be able to see PLAB-2 available slots only after you clear PLAB 1. So it's a Cascade, and everything goes in a particular order.
- You can apply for GMC Registration from here once you clear PLAB 1 & 2.
- If you are going through the PLAB route, there is no separate Identity check for GMC Registration; it will be done on the day of your PLAB 2 Examination itself.
- If you wish to get registered by any other route, you'd need to visit the UK for your Identity check.
- Please don't get confused between creating a GMC ONLINE Account and GMC Registration. The former is the one you can do at the very beginning of your UK Career, and the latter is when you need to get registered with the medical body (GENERAL MEDICAL COUNCIL- GMC, UK).
- Creating GMC ONLINE Account is a straightforward process, provided you have the prerequisites at hand.
Need More Help?
If you have something to speak out, you can reach us on trewlink.com. You can register using this link: https://trewlink.com/?referrer=tar630001.You can also help your colleagues by sharing the article.
There are articles about GMC Registration step-wise: "GMC registration - 7 essential steps to make your application successful" and Visitor visa-"Getting to the UK: How to Get a Visa for PLAB 2 Successfully", which are quite Informative and helpful. Please have a look.
I would love to hear your stories on how it went for you. Do let me know in the comments.
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Wishing you success!
Dr Tarun Puli