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Mastering the GMC Application: A Step-By-Step Guide to Seamless Registration


Hello, I am Shreyans, an International Medical Graduate (IMG) from India. I have passed my PLAB exams and recently got registered with the GMC. In this blog, I will provide detailed insights into the GMC registration application process and offer guidance on overcoming the typical hurdles encountered. I aim to assist you in successfully getting your name added to the GMC register. Before proceeding further, I want to extend my heartfelt congratulations to you on passing PLAB 2 and reaching the stage where you can now apply for GMC registration. Requirements for applying for GMC registration include:

- Possession of a GMC account - A suitable method of entry into the register - Verification of your Primary Medical Qualification by EPIC-ECFMG. Acceptable methods of entry to the register:

International Medical Graduates (IMGs) have multiple pathways to enter the GMC register. While the PLAB route is the most frequently chosen, there are other routes available as well. You can find information about these alternative routes here.

Here is a comprehensive walkthrough on how to obtain full GMC registration, presented in a step-by-step format:

A. Initial Steps:

- Once you have logged into your GMC account, navigate to the "My Registration" section and click on "My applications".

- From there, choose "Apply" and proceed by selecting "Continue with application".

- You will be prompted to specify whether you are seeking entry into the specialist register or the GP register. If you are applying through the PLAB route, select "no" and continue until you reach the page titled "Full registration with a license to practice after passing the PLAB test". B. EPIC Details:

Before initiating your GMC registration application, it is crucial to ensure that your Primary Medical Qualification (PMQ) has been verified by EPIC. Enter your EPIC ID accurately and double-check the ID before proceeding with the application.

C. Internship Details:

In this section, you will be required to provide information about all the rotations you completed during your internship. Since most internships commence after graduation, select "Post-Graduation" as the type of internship for each specialty. It is crucial to enter the exact specialty names and dates as stated on your internship completion certificate, as these will be verified. If your certificate includes extension dates or repetition postings, be sure to enter those dates in chronological order. Ensure that you include all rotations mentioned in your certificate without omitting any. D. Name Details:

Complete the information related to your name, and in the event of any disparities between the names on your degree certificate and your identity proof, be sure to provide the reason for the variation in the name. E. Recent Professional Experience:

- Including details of your recent professional experience may initially appear straightforward, but without clarity, it can become the most challenging part of the application. The GMC requires you to provide information about your professional experience from the last five years. However, the guidelines can be somewhat ambiguous. The GMC states that you should either provide information for the last five years or from the date your PMQ (Primary Medical Qualification) was awarded if it has been less than five years.

- If you have recently graduated and are only able to provide details for the past one or two years, you may encounter difficulties progressing to the next step. To address this issue, the key is to start by documenting what you were doing five years ago. If you were a student during that time, simply mention that you were a student and then proceed with your employment history once you have completed medical school. By indicating what you have been doing for the past five years, you will be able to proceed with the application successfully. F. Registration & Licensing:

In this section, you will be required to provide information regarding your current local licensing body. It is important to obtain a Good Standing Certificate from the relevant authority before applying for GMC registration, as you will need to submit this document after completing your application.

G. Miscellaneous information:

Complete the necessary information regarding your fitness to practice and make the final declaration.

H. Payment:

Make the payment for your registration by using your preferred payment method to cover the basic fee. You can find detailed information about the fees by referring to the following link.

I. Submitting your supporting documents to GMC:

Upon submitting your application, the GMC will send you an email within 24-48 hours requesting a list of documents to be sent via email. The required documents typically include the following:

a) Passport

b) Primary Medical Qualification

c) Certificate of Good Standing from your current licensing body

d) Evidence of your English language proficiency

e) Internship Completion Certificate

The GMC will specify in the email if any additional documents are needed to process your application. It is recommended to name the documents professionally and attach them all at once in a zip format.

Once you have sent your documents, all you need to do is sit back, relax, and await the email from the GMC congratulating you on being added to the medical register.

Need More Help?

If you have any inquiries regarding GMC registration, I would be delighted to address them at You can register using this unique registration link and locate me as an

ambassador. Make sure to follow my profile - Shreyans Darla - to receive consistent support and guidance.

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