Greetings, I am Dr. Udit. I passed my PLAB 1 exam in May 2022 as an IMG from India, and I am currently studying for my PLAB 2 exam. I hope that sharing my PLAB 1 and 2 experiences and what to do after passing PLAB 1 in today's blog will be helpful to you.
First off, congrats on passing the PLAB1 exam. To obtain your GMC registration, you must now pass the PLAB 2 exam (One Last Hurdle In Your UK Journey).
Here are a few things you should get to work on right away :
1. Book PLAB 2 exam
First things first; choose an appropriate exam date and reserve it while keeping in mind that you must complete a visa application and handle many other matters. Once you have a date for PLAB2 with you, You must begin with these things:
2. EPIC (Electronic Portfolio of International Credentials) verification
Start the EPIC verification process; it might take 1-2 months, depending upon your medical college/university;
EPIC verification should be done as soon as possible; you need to create an EPIC account on their website, followed by EPIC Identification Form certification by notarycam. Upload your credentials and verify your primary medical qualification.
3. Book your stay
You need to finalise your stay depending on your exam dates and also make sure you book your accommodation in or near Manchester as the exam centre is in Manchester. Also, try to arrive at least 1 month prior to your exam.
4. Get international forex cards
You need these cards for all the transactions in the UK. You can undoubtedly bring some cash with you, but you must also bring currency cards with low fees.
5. Book a course for PLAB 2
There are multiple courses available for the PLAB2 exam; you can check out TrewLink PLAB2 courses also.
6. Work on your CV
This is a good time to work on your CV/portfolio. You can get experience in teaching, doing audits, and research.
7. Clinical Attachment
Look for clinical attachment - (not compulsory)
Start looking for clinical attachment/observership if you are planning to do one after your PLAB 2 exam. You have to book the attachment and accommodation for the same at least 2-4 months prior to starting your attachment.
8. Plan your travel dates
Make sure you have enough time for your preparation for the PLAB 2 exam and clinical attachment if you are doing one. Plan your itinerary, as it will help you with the visa application and also it will help you in planning a budget.
Apply for your VISA for PLAB 2 once you have finalised your exam date, accommodation, and attachment.
10. Blogs
Keep yourself updated with the TrewLink blogs, as they will help you in your journey. You can read blogs on EPIC verification, VISA application, and Clinical attachment for more information.
Good luck with your PLAB 2 exam, and I assure you that the exam and staying in the UK are both wonderful experiences.
Need More Help?
If you have any questions about the PLAB 1 and 2 exams and what to do after passing your exams, I would be happy to answer them at trewlink.com. You can register using this link Sign-up today using this link https://trewlink.com?referrer=udi284214. You can also check out their IG page. Find me as an Ambassador and Follow my profile – Udit Kathuria - to receive regular support and advice.