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A Short Guide to an Audit


Hi, I am Sai Teja. I’m an IMG from India, and I passed November PLAB 1. I did an audit during my internship, and in this blog, I'll be telling about how to do an audit.

What is an audit?

Audit in healthcare is a process to assess, evaluate and improve the care of patients in a systematic way. It measures current practice against a defined standard.

Audit cycle

An audit cycle includes:

1. selection of a topic

2. defining the standards

3. collection of data

4. making improvement

5. collection of data (Re-audit)

How to do an audit?

If you work in a hospital, doing an audit would be a bit easier because you can get guidance and support. First, you go to the consultant who is familiar with and supportive of you. They can help at any stage of the audit cycle.

Now let's dive into the topic by taking a simple example:

The process of audit

1. Selection of a topic

If you are finding it difficult to select a topic, you can ask your consultant, or you can use the "Hand washing technique".

2. Defining the standard

Okay, now the topic selection is completed, then we have to define the standards with which we should compare our current practice. Let's take the WHO handwashing technique as standard.

3. Collection of data

Okay, now the standard with which we have to compare and do the audit has been decided, then we go for collecting the data. Try to collect data on how many are following the WHO standard of hand washing technique and how many steps of hand washing are everybody using in the hospital. Collect this data over a period of time. It might be 1 month or 2 months any amount of time but at least make sure to collect data for 1 month.

4. Making improvement

Now we have the data, and from this data, we can able to interpret the results like how many are following the standards, and many are not following the standards. Then present it to the consultant or give a presentation in a meeting about the current results and how to improve the current standards by giving a presentation on WHO standards of handwashing technique.

5. Re-audit

Then the final stage is again the collection of data after making improvements and presenting it to get it signed by the consultant.


Well, doing an audit is one method to improve your portfolio, and if you want to know more about improving your portfolio, please check these articles by Dr.Aishwarya and Dr.Deekshita Chadalavada .

Need more tips and advice?

If you have any questions about doing an audit, I would be happy to answer them at You can register using this link Find me as an Ambassador and follow my profile – Sai Teja - to receive regular support and advice.

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